Join us in celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the victory of Italian Resistance over fascism SAVE THE DATE When: April 24th, 2025. Addison Rd Community Centre, Marrickville. Where: Addy Rd Community Centre, Addison Rd Marrickville. Continue reading FESTA DELLA RESISTENZA 2025

Italian Liberation Day 1945-2024
24th April, 6pm Addison Rd Community Centre Gumbramorra Hall, 142 Addison Rd, Marrickville 25th April every year marks Italy’s liberation from Nazi-facism. On this 79th commemoration of Italian Liberation Day, we wish to support the resistance of the Palestinian People against the Israeli aggression and over 70 years of illegal occupation of their lands. We also acknowledge the ongoing resistance to colonisation by the First … Continue reading Italian Liberation Day 1945-2024

Frontyard Films and FILEF invite you to a special screening of short documentaries about some of the union movement’s pivotal historical moments: the 1917 Great Strike – the largest industrial action in Australian history – the unionisation of Aboriginal workers – and the infamous Patrick dispute on Sydney wharves in 1998. Continue reading KEY MOMENTS IN AUSTRALIA’S UNION HISTORY BY FRONTYARD FILMS
2018 | Four decades of political film making
Spontaneous Productions and FILEF invite you to a special screening of short films on political activism in Sydney by senior filmmaker Russ Hermann. Over the years Spontaneous Productions has been covering most of the major struggles and campaigns in Sydney, going from workers’ and Indigenous rights to the defence of the environment and to tenants’ rights, as well as promoting and documenting community arts.The latest production is Road to Nowhere, a look … Continue reading 2018 | Four decades of political film making

2018 | 25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance
Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work. La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia. … Continue reading 2018 | 25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance

2018 | First Nations Peoples: Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West
FILEF and the INNER WEST COUNCIL invite you to a cultural and oral history evening as part of the Inner West Council Library and History 2018 Heritage Festival – My Culture My Story Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West with Ken Canning Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West in the 60s, Aboriginal boys would often find themselves on the same side as Italians and other ‘ethnics’, as … Continue reading 2018 | First Nations Peoples: Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West
2018 | La Mia Liguria
La mia Liguria: 1930-1958 by Umberto Lavezzari Umberto Lavezzari, un uomo tanto affascinante quanto difficile: intelligente e fiero, ambizioso e tenace, onesto, responsabile. Uscito non indenne da una famiglia dysfunctional, lo seguiamo attraverrso un’adolescenza di stenti fino a quando approda, non ancora trentenne, a una piena maturità orgogliosa ed impegnata, pronto a lasciare la sua amata Preli per partire con la moglie Carmen verso l’Australia. L’autobiografia … Continue reading 2018 | La Mia Liguria
2018 | 50th Anniversary of the Belice Earthquake

2017 | First Nations People: What Recognition?
FILEF invites you to an information evening on current issues concerning the First Nations Peoples, with particular regard to constitutional recognition, land rights, and the Intervention.• In 1972 the Aboriginal Tent Embassy united Aboriginal people throughout Australia in demanding national land rights and mobilized widespread non-indigenous support for their struggle.• 45 year later, many of the demands for justice of the First Nations remain unanswered.• … Continue reading 2017 | First Nations People: What Recognition?

From the Resistance then to global Resistance today Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work. La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 … Continue reading 2017 | 25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY