Nuovo Paese Agosto 2022 | August 2022

La mano della distruzione Il 6 e il 9 agosto di 77 anni fa fu commesso il crimine probabilmente più barbaro contro l’umanità, con lo sgancio delle bombe atomiche su Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Il bombardamento statunitense, che uccise all’istante circa un quarto di milione di giapponesi quando le due città furono disintegrate, segnò la drammatica fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. È inspiegabile come le implicazioni … Continue reading Nuovo Paese Agosto 2022 | August 2022

Antony Loewenstein presents ‘The Palestine Laboratory’ “From Israeli spyware ending up on the phones of activists in Mexico to Israeli drones being used by the EU to “monitor” refugees, the public is recognising how the Israeli occupation is being exported, and the danger it poses.” Award-winning investigative journalist, Antony Loewenstein will discuss his latest book, The Palestine Laboratory at this special BDS Australia event in Sydney. DATE Thursday 24 August 2023 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (UTC+10) LOCATION Gumbramorra Hall, Addison Road Community Organisation 142 Addison Road , Marrickville NSW 2204 Tickets (fundraising for BDS Australia) “Government’s flock to Israel to buy weapons and surveillance equipment, happy to ignore that they’ve been lethally tried and tested in the ‘Palestine laboratory’" Sticky post

How Israel’s occupation has gone global

Antony Loewenstein presents ‘The Palestine Laboratory’ “From Israeli spyware ending up on the phones of activists in Mexico to Israeli drones being used by the EU to “monitor” refugees, the public is recognising how the Israeli occupation is being exported, and the danger it poses.” Award-winning investigative journalist, Antony Loewenstein will discuss his latest book, The Palestine Laboratory at this special BDS Australia event in … Continue reading How Israel’s occupation has gone global

Israel far-right minister enters Al-Aqsa in ‘provocation’

Israel far-right minister enters Al-Aqsa in ‘provocation’

Palestinians and several Arab countries condemn Itamar Ben-Gvir’s visit, which they fear is aimed at changing the holy site’s status quo. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan have joined Palestinians in condemning a far-right Israeli minister’s brief visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, with the Palestinian leadership calling the intrusion “an unprecedented provocation”. Tuesday’s visit by Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir risks stoking … Continue reading Israel far-right minister enters Al-Aqsa in ‘provocation’

UN seeks ICJ opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

UN seeks ICJ opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

The United Nations General Assembly adopts a historic resolution referring the question of #Palestine & the legality/illegality of the #Israeli prolonged occupation to the International Court of Justice The court will also address the responsibility of third states to bring the occupation to an end. The UN General Assembly asked the ICJ to give an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s “occupation, settlement … Continue reading UN seeks ICJ opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

Piazza Fontana Attack on La Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura

53rd Anniversary of the Piazza Fontana Attack, 12 December, 1969

12 December 1969 is the 53rd anniversary of the neofascist attack on La Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura in Piazza Fontanza, Milano, which killed 17 people and wounded 88. It was the start of the campaign to destabilise Italy, a joint effort by Fascists and the Italian and US State Security Services. The bombing was the work of the right-wing group Ordine Nuovo (“New Order”), whose aim … Continue reading 53rd Anniversary of the Piazza Fontana Attack, 12 December, 1969