A confronting David and Goliath story about two neighbours – East Timor and Australia
The world fell in love with East Timor when it was born as a new nation after 24 years of occupation and war. Australia’s International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) supported the Timorese to secure peace., post the 1999 carnage.
Now, the chilling story of Australia’s relationship with this new nation must be told, almost two decades later.
Time to Draw the Line presents the campaign for a fair go for East Timor and that nation’s desire to settle its long-running maritime boundary dispute with Australia. Interviews include those Australians who are on the side (of the line) of the East Timorese and on the right side of history.
Time to Draw the Line is directed and produced by: Amanda King and Fabio Cavadini with Associate Producers Ines de Almeida and Janelle Saffin.
‘Time to Draw The Line’ is essential viewing for understanding how the extraction of resources has, time after time, usurped our morals.” – Damon Gameau Actor ‘Balibo’ ‘That Sugar Film’
“It’s fantastic. A strong argument, but also a terrific study of a period of history too. Congratulations, it is a very significant work on this issue.” – Robert Connolly, Director ‘Balibo’ ‘Barracuda’