2018 | First Nations Peoples: Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West

FILEF and the INNER WEST COUNCIL invite you to a cultural and oral history evening as part of the Inner West Council Library and History 2018 Heritage Festival – My Culture My Story Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West with Ken Canning Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West in the 60s, Aboriginal boys would often find themselves on the same side as Italians and other ‘ethnics’, as … Continue reading 2018 | First Nations Peoples: Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West


From the Resistance then to global Resistance today Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work. La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 … Continue reading 2017 | 25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY


ITALIAN FORUM CULTURAL CENTRE, Studio 1, Norton St, Leichhardt. FILEF invites you to an evening exploring the role of women in the new global resistance to the rise of sexism, racism and intolerance. On International Women’s Day, millions of women around the world and in Australia led protests against this rising tide of hate and division, creating a historic new movement of resistance spreading globally … Continue reading 2017 | THE NEW WOMEN-LED RESISTANCE A GLOBAL MOVEMENT

2015 | All movies from Filef film festival 2015 – NOW ON LINE!

The 10 short films screened at the FILEF Short Film Festival on the 31 October are now available on “Canale Filef, in our website. Films took part in the competition run this year by FILEF with the support of the Sydney Film School, as a celebration of the UN International Year of Soils. First Prize went to Think Small, Think Different by Lucio Arisci and … Continue reading 2015 | All movies from Filef film festival 2015 – NOW ON LINE!

2014 | Memorie Di Una Persona Di Interesse

Notevole interesse sta suscitando il libro autobiografico di Carmela (Carmen) Lavezzari “Memorie di una ‘persona di interesse’”, il cui lancio ufficiale ha avuto luogo nella Biblioteca Comunale di Leichhardt, nella Piazza dell’Italian Forum alla presenza di oltre 100 persone. Ha presentato il libro bilingue, in italiano e in inglese, lo storiografo della comunità italiana in Australia Gianfranco Cresciani, che ne ha curato l’edizione e ha … Continue reading 2014 | Memorie Di Una Persona Di Interesse

Piazza Fontana Attack on La Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura

53rd Anniversary of the Piazza Fontana Attack, 12 December, 1969

12 December 1969 is the 53rd anniversary of the neofascist attack on La Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura in Piazza Fontanza, Milano, which killed 17 people and wounded 88. It was the start of the campaign to destabilise Italy, a joint effort by Fascists and the Italian and US State Security Services. The bombing was the work of the right-wing group Ordine Nuovo (“New Order”), whose aim … Continue reading 53rd Anniversary of the Piazza Fontana Attack, 12 December, 1969